Your Property Surveys

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Your property survey will be carried out by an RICS Accredited Surveyor

There are two main types of property surveys, designed for different styles of properties.
The RICS Home Survey – Level 2 is the most common type of survey, and it is what we would recommend for the majority of properties, those under 100 years old and of standard construction.

The Building Survey is typically recommended for older properties, those of non-standard construction or that have had significant levels of alteration over the years. This might include a Grade I or II listed property or a property of timber or steel-framed construction.

Both types of surveys will be carried by a surveyor that is accredited with the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)

Why do you need a property survey?

Having a survey done allows you to make the most informed decision on how to proceed. Our property surveyors are there to give you as much information as possible, allowing you to be confident in the condition of the property and making sure you are aware of any potential issues.

You may also be able to use this information to assess the property’s perceived value, along with the cost of any future maintenance, repair or restoration works. All of which is extremely useful information when making one of the most important purchases of your lifetime.

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What will be included?

The surveyor will inspect the inside and outside of the main building, as well as all permanent outbuildings such as garages or outhouses. The inspection is designed to assess as much of the property as physically possible. For example:

Not an expert? Don't worry!

The different property surveys aim to be as jargon free as possible. Allowing even the most inexperienced person or first-time buyer to make sense of the report and take the necessary actions that our surveyors are suggesting. 

The Building Survey is the most comprehensive type of survey that we offer, and allows the surveyor more freedom to write in detail about any issues, compared to the Home Survey – Level 2

You will find that the survey grades potential problems in the following way:

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When you receive the survey, we recommend concentrating on any issues highlighted as urgent or significant, marked in red on the report to start with as they would be considered the most severe.

There will also be a section at the bottom for your legal advisers and conveyancers. Be sure to discuss the findings with them in order to determine the best way to solve any concerns raised within the report. Remember, you can always speak to our dedicated team here at iMyHome if you need any assistance along the way!

Speak to Harry, part of our dedicated team